Our Savior’s Love
What a wonderful blessing it is to be a Christian during this time! I count my blessings every day, thanking God for all He has poured into my life! We are the recipients of God’s love. So undeserving, yet through His death, burial and resurrection we are all born into this great family of God!
My Grandfather’s ministry on this earth saw many souls saved. His dedication to our family, and seeing that his loved ones came to know Christ, was a priority first and foremost. I am so thankful for the services I attended where I witnessed souls saved and brought into the fold! He has since went to be with our Heavenly Father, but we always stated when we left each other, “If I don’t see you again, I’ll meet you in Heaven!”
One of my favorite hymns states, “I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus, the Nazarene, and wonder how He could love me, a sinner condemned unclean.” Isn’t it a privilege that we can go directly to the Father with our needs, and rejoice in the hope that when this life is over, we will be present in Heaven with Him?
God bless you all!